So we have selected some important questions for your preparation and you should go through our questions and we will be upload in more questions which may come in exam specially for school exam

Question 1. What is meant by resistivity of a material?

Solution is given below 👇

Question 2. How it is related to length of register and its cross section area?

Solution is given below 👇

Question 3. There is three resistor 2 ohm , 4 ohm and 8 ohm resistors how will you make minimum resistance by given resistors?

Solution is given below 👇

Question 4. Define ohm's law in electricity.

Solution is given below 👇

Question 5. Draw a circuit diagram to verify ohm's law experimentally.

Solution is given below 👇

Question 6. Draw V-I graph for ohmic conductors.

Solution is given below 👇

Question 7. Define electric potential at a point in electric field.

Solution is given below 👇

Question 8. 24 joules (24J) of work required to move 4 coulomb (4C) of charge from point A to b then what is the optional difference between A and B then what will be potential difference between A and B.

Solution is given below 👇

Question 9 . 96000C of charge passednthrough a given cross section area in 10 minutes. What will be the amount of current.

Solution is given below 👇