Dust of Snow - Class 10 by Robert Frost , Full Explanation, English - NCERT

Dust of Snow Summary :-

The poet says that once he was in exccedingly unhappy, depressive mood and was sitting beneath a hemlock tree. A crow was also sitting on the same tree , shook off the dust of snow that is, tiny particles of snow that stay on the surface after once the snowfall occurs, on the poet. This action changed the poet’s mood. He accomplished that he had simply wasted a region of his day repenting and being lost in sorrow. however the modification in his mood made him notice that he should utilize the Remaining of the day in some helpful activity. His sorrow was washed away by the by the light shower of snow dust. His spirit was revived and he got able to utilize the remaining of the day.

Dust of Snow Video Summary with full Explanation , Poetic Devices :-